Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Gaming PC's are Designed not Just for Gamers

There are different classes of PC's; Starter, Everyday, Entertainment, Performance, Gaming and Server/Industrial. As you can see the class Gaming is one of the higher classes as most quality games are power hungry and is resource intensive regardless of Direct3D or OpenGL. These computers are built so it can perform many heavy tasks at the same time. These heavy beauties aren't just for gaming. Oh no. It suits many more types of people.

These machines are great for a home media center hosting media across many devices from TV's to tablets. Because of good multi-tasking and high speeds, you can stream media to multiple devices in home. It can make a good home server to share family documents and  photos.

If you'd like to host a website and just know you'll get many viewers that will use heavy web apps from your site, you can use the meaty gaming PC to host all your files and apps to share them with the world.

CAD artists will already understand that gaming PC's are great due to it's support for ultra high quality graphics and resolutions. Rendering a Pixar animation can take the average computer three quarters of a year to render. With highly able graphic computers it can be reduced to just a day. Rendering good quality can be system intensive which is why gaming machines are a good choice.

So the class "Gaming" is just a word. With the power, so much more is possible. The downside, however, is that these could cost a lot to run on your power bill so use them efficiently.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why Buying a Chromebook just can't work

Chromebooks, they have made a reputation for themselves selling at rock bottom prices. Consumers feedback wasn't great however, Google+ seems to have given good reviews from it's communities. We are not sure if it's a case of "Fanboy-ism" or Being trolled.
But do you believe it's the future or another fad?

As mentioned before, the most attractive thing is the price but Microsoft has also now got a handful of PC's for under $180 with most of them at a minimum amount of RAM as 2gb also being said, Windows 8.1 only required 64mb of RAM without background 3rd party applications. The performance is very close. The ChromeOS start-up might seem a few seconds faster. Microsoft haters or Google lover might be saying, "Why can't MS make a faster boot-up like a Chromebook?"
The answer is too that question is because Chromebooks are just web browsers equipped with HTML5 standards. With a PC, however, it has to check where it could boot from, locate the hardware, Security passes, loading network API's. All a Chromebook has to do is boot a browser and that's it.

How will a Chromebook compare to a Windows Notebook with Chrome as a web browser. We had a play around with a Chromebook and well as a PC with Chrome browser. Browsing speeds were very similar. Chromebook was faster on rendering pure text by a little but our PC easily bet it when it came to other API's like Javascript, JQuery, ASP.net, Flash and not to mention, only the PC supported Java. We suggest to just install Chrome onto your Windows device if you want to keep your potential maxed.

When it comes to productivity, all the Chromebooks have is the Google Docs suite. Though it is decent, it's still no match for Office. Excel's intelligence still remains better with prediction according to our test. PowerPoint's "cinematic" skills gave an extra nice touch while Word just felt more creative. It's been stated that ChromeOS users are still using remote desktop to connect to their Windows computers for their fundamental needs.

Is it worth buying a Chromebook?
Our short answer is NO. For the same price you can get a more beefed up PC that looks no worse and decent build quality. Windows still offers everything you'd want/need and is stable. Virus's are being well maintained by Microsoft.
Chromebooks could be suitable for you if all you do is check your email, Facebook or just taking notes. Now and again, we KNOW you'll need Microsoft so it's best in our opinion not to ditch it.
Windows 8.1

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Windows and the IoT

Watching the build conference this 2014 surprised a number of us to see the the new CEO, Satya Nadella, is taking Microsoft. Microsoft has shown a new the they could be the "Market race Leader" in, the Internet of Things. They've partnered up with Intel and Sharks Cove so far.

What's the IoT? It's where many everyday "Things" are connected the the Internet and can be controlled by a remote PC or cloud(Windows Azure comes in). This is what we could see in future 'Smart' homes.

How the plan is being deployed:
For a keen bunch of people know as Makers, Microsoft is giving them a free $89 Intel Galileo Development board with Windows on it. Netduino is an Arduino variant that uses the .NET framework. If you search up on YouTube Netduino and Windows Phone, you'll find a lot of cool DIY projects people have done.

It seems Microsoft is unifying all variants of Windows together for Cloud computing.

Tell how you think they'll do.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Next Gen of Windows to Unite!

It has officially been mentioned by Microsoft officials that Windows will be one Operating System across Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Phones and possibly Xbox's and Embedded devices. We are currently preparing a Powerpoint of what we could expect. This could be great for all platforms and will be great for BYOD.

Phones could benefit if Flash Player will be compatible. Enough to put Windows Phone right ahead of Android. and IOS. We could see greater hardware support for wireless keyboards and modern USB OTG. Phones could project to screen. Maybe even run legacy Windows software (DosBox, Morrowind).

PC's and Tablets could benefit with the storage requirements dropping as well as RAM.
 Interesting Post by Softepedia
People could now use the high end hardware to their advantage!!! Imagine the power.

Do comment what you think!